Sunday, November 19, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Opposes Republican Tax Plan That Would Raise Taxes On District 30 Families

“Real tax reform doesn’t raise taxes on hard-working families while handing billions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. Unfortunately, that is precisely what the Ryan-McConnell tax plan would do,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “I call upon all of my Texas Republican colleagues to join me in opposing this inexplicable plan to raise taxes on working people.  Families in my district should not be paying more in taxes so that Republicans can add trillions to the deficit while giving tax breaks to billionaires and our largest corporations. Instead, the Ryan-McConnell tax plan places the burden squarely on the backs of our most vulnerable segments of the population.”

An additional analysis by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center found that 80 percent of the individual tax cuts in the Ryan-McConnell tax framework would go to the wealthiest one percent of Americans. Millions of middle class families would pay more in taxes under the Republican framework.

“The Ryan-McConnell tax plan relies on the same tired, trickle-down tax agenda that Republicans have used for decades,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “I will fight for the people of District 30 and stand firm in demanding real tax reform that puts the middle class first, with not one penny in tax cuts for the top 1 percent.”