Saturday, November 18, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Hosts Sixth Annual Dallas Hunger Summit

The Dallas Coalition for Hunger Solutions, chaired by Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson hosted it's sixth annual Dallas Hunger Summit on September 15, 2017. Dallas hunger Summit is an opportunity to learn and strategize about how we can combat child hunger and senior hunger,  promote a robust local agricultural sector and eliminate food deserts. Attendees discussed specific ways the faith community can be more engaged, indentified healthy food access projects to support, and vital federal nutrition projects like SNAP.
Congresswoman Johnson emphasized the importance of addressing childhood hunger.
“I never thought that in 2017 I would be talking about hungry children,” she said. “We cannot have a good future unless we invest in our children and our youth.”
While she applauded the progress the coalition has made in six years, she emphasized the continuing needs in a state where 24 percent of the children live in food-insecure homes.
“We have made some strides, but we have not arrived,” she said