Sunday, November 19, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Hosts Blue Collar STEM Briefing On Future Of U.S. Workforce

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson hosted a briefing with Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), entitled Blue Collar STEM: The Future of the U.S. Workforce. The briefing was organized to demonstrate a commitment by policymakers to support efforts to modernize our approach to workforce training and help steer young leaders into fields that will enable them to compete in a global economy. This event was organized with her co-chair of the CBC Technology and Infrastructure Development Task Force, Congresswoman Val Demings:
“The discussion surrounding the future our of workforce and the skills necessary to succeed in a 21st century economy is one that must continue,” said Congresswoman Johnson.  “When we discuss opportunities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and the future of our workforce, the conversation should also be inclusive of those who have chosen to pursue a two-year degree or vocational training.  Every person deserves the opportunity to participate in our economy.”
“This is the first in a series of events aimed at highlighting the importance and value of blue collar STEM fields and what it means to include traditionally underrepresented segments of the population.  It is my personal commitment to join my colleagues of the Congressional Black Caucus and others in Congress to ensure that every American has the tools they need to excel in these new fields.”
The following individuals participated in the panel: Dr. Victor McCrary, Vice President for Research and Economic Develop, Morgan State University and National Science Board Member; Dr. Steve McGee, President of The Learning Partnership; Pat Yongpradit, Chief Academic Officer at; and Jacqueline E. Rodriguez,Program Associate at Opportunity@Work.  The briefing was moderated by Spencer Overton, President of The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.