Sunday, November 19, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Condemns Senseless Las Vegas Attacks

“The violence that took place in Las Vegas last night is yet another senseless act of gun violence to shake our nation. I extend my heartfelt condolences and prayers to the victims and family members of those who were faced with such horrific violence. The perpetrator’s actions were deplorable, reprehensible, and inexcusable. While his actions were aimed to strike fear at the heart of the American people, we are a strong nation and a community that will stand together as one during these difficult times.
“This is an important time to mourn the loss of our loved ones. However, it is also an important time to act. I will work with my colleagues in Congress to consider preventive measures to alleviate tensions throughout our society and stop such egregious attacks on innocent people before they happen.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson