Sunday, November 19, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Condemns Trump's Executive Order Threatening Healthcare

“President Trump is failing the American people when he chooses not to exercise proper judgment and action when reviewing what is truly at stake for those who will lose their health care coverage due to his proposed policies,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “By signing an executive order the president is creating an unleveled playing field for certain insurance companies allowing “short-term” plans to play by different rules.”   
“This legislation has the ability to rob millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions of affordable health coverage. And it will allow businesses to provide coverage that doesn’t cover much at all. 
Congresswoman Johnson continued to stress, “it is important we work together in Congress to provide all Americans with access and affordable health care without driving up costs that will ultimately cut their coverage. We should continue to listen to how our constituents and those across the nation are personally impacted by the health care system, instead of making unilateral decisions that can ultimately harm millions.”