Friday, March 30, 2012

President Obama Endorses Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

President Barack Obama Endorses Congresswoman Johnson

Friday, March 30, 2012 - President Barack Obama has endorsed Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson in the newly drawn 30th Congressional District for her re-election.

“Congresswoman Johnson is a tireless champion for all of the 30th’s middle and working-class families,” said President Obama. “We’ve worked hard these last three years to bring meaningful, positive change to our nation, creating good jobs, good schools and a health care system that works for all of our citizens. We have made great strides, but there is much more to do. That is why we need her dedicated efforts back in Congress to continue the fight with me. I need you to cast your vote for Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson in the May 29, 2012 Democratic Congressional Primary.”

With so many working families in North Texas struggling to make ends meet, Congresswoman Johnson is focusing her campaign on the economic issues facing the families of the 30th Congressional District. The endorsement is a clear signal that the President values her partnership in the fight for jobs and economic progress.

“I am extremely humbled by the President’s endorsement,” Johnson said. “After a campaign focused on economic development and job creation, my first task back in Congress will be to work with the President and other members of Congress to get our economy back on the right track.”

“Republicans want to continue their agenda of working to take us back to their failed policies of the past,” Obama said. “We cannot let them succeed. Congresswoman Johnson has worked closely with me, Michelle and my Administration on crucial programs and policies that have made a real difference not only in North Texas, but across America. We need her wisdom, experience and her steady, ‘get-things-done’ style now more than ever.”

Congresswoman Johnson is the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Johnson is the highest-ranking Texan on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, former Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, former Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Congresswoman Johnson looks forward to working with the constituents of the new 30th District.