Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's Statement on the Governor Perry's Decision to Forgo Millions of Dollars in Federal Funding for the Texas Medicaid Program

“This is a sad time for women in Texas. Despite a warning from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Governor Perry has elected to move forward with a State rule that restricts freedom of choice of health care providers for women enrolled in the Texas Medicaid Women’s Health Program. Now, because of petty partisanship, 130,000 women in Texas are losing their access to preventative health care, and Texas is losing $40 million in federal funding. These funds provide lifesaving treatments to women who would otherwise not have access. Because of the Governor’s reckless actions, there are women who simply will not receive the care they need, and illnesses like breast and cervical cancer will go undetected.
The Women’s Health Program was passed by the Texas legislature with bipartisan support, and was implemented during President George W. Bush’s time in office. This is not about abortion; this is purely about politics. Planned Parenthood clinics that are licensed providers of abortion care are separate, self pay entities that are not affected by policy changes in the Texas Women’s Health Program. Planned Parenthood is the single largest provider of care within the TexasWomen’s Health Program.

Despite these obstacles, I will continue to fight for increased access to quality health care for women in Texas.”