Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson's Prophetic Words From 2002 On The Pending War In Iraq

As the 17th chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, she was a leading voice in opposition to the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. During debate on the house floor, she stated:

"I am not convinced that giving the President the authority to launch a unilateral, first-strike attack on Iraq is the appropriate course of action at this time. While I believe that under international law and under the authority of our Constitution, the United States must maintain the option to act in its own self-defense, I strongly believe that the administration has not provided evidence of an imminent threat of attack on the United States that would justify a unilateral strike. I also believe that actions alone, without exhausting peaceful options, could seriously harm global support for our war on terrorism and distract our own resources from this cause."

Few Members of Congress had the foresight or courage of their convictions to voice their opposition at the time... Congresswoman Johnson had both the courage and the foresight.