Sunday, March 11, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Comments On Rick Perry’s Attack On Women’s Health Care In Texas

Congresswoman Johnson explains why the health and lives of women in Texas are under attack from Gov. Rick Perry’s new anti-family planning agenda with MSNBC's Martin Bashir. She also discussed the apparent "War on Women" that has the GOP targeting women's health rights in Texas and across the nation.

Bashir: When we talk about the right's war on women, it's not just rush limbaugh . it's happening on the front lines in state capitals across the united states . there's increasing concern that republican officials are using the excuse of tight budgets to carry out an take on birth control and the resources of planned parenthood . the biggest attack is underway in texas where close to 200,000 may find that access to breast examines and pap smears have been curtailed. joining me is eddie bernice johnson . i still haven't heard the right with any force renounce rush limbaugh . speaker boehner has been quiet. mitt romney seems incapable of condemning the man. do they think this will go away quietly?

Johnson: I think that's what they hope. i was one of the women that signed the letter to speaker boehner asking him to denounce this very un-american tiype of behavior. t something that we don't need in this country. this nation does not deserve it. i don't understand why he's still on television or radio. i would just say to the american people do not support miss advertisers. we don't need this.

Bashir: The new york times is reporting that 400,000 women in your state alone may one day have no access to basic health services . what is going on? you were a nurse. what is going on?

Johnson: As of april 1st , this year, there is a great possibility that a state with one of largest numbers of low-income women who only have access through planned parenthood and in locations our state for their mammograms and pap smears will be cut off off because our governor has demanded not to have any dollars flowing to planned parenthood . that is most -- just the most unthinkable thing i can think of. i don't know this governor anymore. i thought i did. i used to have some communication with him. we had some understanding. i don't know whether he's been hurt because he didn't get into the presidential candid si or nomination or what's going on. this is not the state to turn away these type of dollars for people who need it the most. you know what's also so interesting is that the same people that are against plann ened parenthood and family planning are the ones that are against the children once they are born. they do not want to do anything for them. i don't understand it. i really don't especially in a state that has so very many. the state puts up $1 for every $9 that the federal government spends and they are refusing those dollars.

Bashir: State auditors are saying the cost to medicare will go up if women are denied these essential services. if contraception prevents the necessity of an abortion and if it's much cheaper in the long run, what is the motivation for pursuing this? what is in governor rick perry 's mind?

Johnson: He says he's anti-abortion but these services are not about abortion. very few of these women that are looking for it. anybody that wants an abortion, will get it. this will not be a deterrent to abortion. people can avoid the need for abortion especially when they cannot afford another child. it's family planning .

Bashir: Indeed. congresswoman eddie bernice johnson , thank you for joining us.

Johnson: Thank you very much. i appreciate you continuing to put it before us.

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