Thursday, June 25, 2015

President Obama Praises Congresswoman Johnson For Her Leadership On Trade

"The President commends Members of Congress who took important steps this week to ensure that the United States can negotiate and enforce strong, high-standard trade agreements that are good for American workers and our economy. Thanks to the leadership of Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, workers and businesses in Texas will have more opportunity to compete and win in markets both at home and abroad. With bipartisan support from Congress, Trade Promotion Authority will help America write the rules of our new, global economy so more hardworking Americans can get their products to market. And with Trade Adjustment Assistance, vital support like job-training and community college education will now be available to more than 100,000 workers per year.
In voting with the president on TPA, Johnson went against the wishes of the labor unions. We’ll see how that impacts her going forward. Johnson has not said whether she is seeking re-election in 2016." - White House Spokesman Josh Earnest