Monday, June 15, 2015

Congresswoman Johnson Hosts 23rd Annual Academy Day

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson held her 23rd Annual Academy Day at DeSoto High School. In addition to over one hundred students in attendance, representatives LTJG Darnell Talbert of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy; CDR Gini Mattson of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy; Captain Christopher Wallace of the U.S. Air Force Academy; Major Benny Barrett of the U.S. Naval Academy; Major Andrew Yang of the U.S. Military Academy; and Dr. David Harris, Superintendent, DeSoto ISD. Additional speakers and guests included various ROTC officers from District 30 schools, City of DeSoto Mayor, Carl Sherman, and a special guest performance from the DeSoto High School A Cappella Choir.
Academy Day provides an opportunity for interested students to gather detailed information about the five U.S. Service Academies. Historically, congressional appointments from District 30 have been low compared to surrounding districts. However, due to recent initiatives implemented by Congresswoman Johnson, District 30 had seven congressional appointments this year—its largest class to date.
This year’s appointments include: Michael Mauricio (Dubiski High School), Stephanie Vigen (South Grand Prairie High School), Elizabeth Vigen (South Grand Prairie High School) attending The United States Naval Academy; Bryce Samuel (Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy), Emiliano Gonzalez (Jesuit College Preparatory School), Andrew Ortiz (Duncanville High School) attending The United States Military Academy; and Austin Gula (Duncanville High School) attending The United States Air Force Academy.
“Our nation’s service academies provide students with a first rate education without the expenses of the traditional university system” said Congresswoman Johnson. “I encourage all college bound students to fully explore the vast opportunities our country’s service academies provide. U.S. Service Academies are consistently ranked above Ivy-League schools in STEM subjects and provide a tuition-free education with guaranteed employment upon graduation.”