Thursday, June 25, 2015

Congresswoman Johnson's Statement On The Charleston Shootings

I am shocked and saddened to hear of the disheartening news regarding last night’s shooting in Charleston, SC. My thoughts and prayers are with the survivors and loved ones of the victims of this tragedy at the historic Emanuel A.M.E. Church. Among the victims was Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, pastor of the church and a dynamic state senator. A faithful public servant, his impact on parishioners is purely evident today as members of the Charleston community band together in solidarity.
I stand in solidarity with the church congregation, the friends and family of those affected, and the community of Charleston during this very difficult time. There is absolutely no place for this level of hatred against peaceful worshippers in a religious sanctuary. Though we can find solace in the perpetrator’s recent capture, it is my hope that justice for this heinous crime be swift. 
For generations, this church has been a beacon of hope for African Americans who have endured years of racial strife in South Carolina. I am confident that this resilient community will come together once again to overcome this senseless tragedy.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson