Monday, May 22, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson's Rebuttal Of Chairman Smith's Letter To Attorney General Sessions

Last week, Chairman Lamar Smith sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions referring the CEO of Platte River Networks (PRN), Treve Suazo, for prosecution. PRN is one of the companies the Chairman pursued in the course of his partisan election-year “investigation” into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server. Today, Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) sent a letter to Attorney General Sessions to correct several significant factual and legal deficiencies contained in Chairman Smith’s letter.
Ranking Member Johnson said in the letter, “It is extremely unfortunate that the Chairman of my once great Committee has so cavalierly referred these charges to the Justice Department for prosecution…Attorney General Sessions, you have any number of very serious law enforcement and national security items on your plate already. I am sorry that Chairman Smith has needlessly added this matter to your agenda. I hope that you’ll find my observations helpful in quickly disposing of this matter so you can get back to your job of protecting the American people.”