Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Responds To Trump's Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Proposal

“The President’s Budget Proposal for fiscal year 2018 is a far cry from the promises he made to work on behalf of all Americans. Instead, the President and his administration propose a budget that provides an abundance of unnecessary and untenable tax cuts to powerful corporations and wealthy individuals, while jeopardizing the future of hard-working families.  

Critical investments in our nation’s infrastructure are still desperately needed.  Yet, the President’s FY18 budget proposal seeks instead to slash funding for important programs such as Capital Investment Grants, effectively killing 56 transit projects that are currently in the pipeline such as DART’s D2 Alignment Project and the Red and Blue Line Platform Extension Project.  His budget would also eliminate the highly-successful TIGER discretionary grant program.  This is a terrible proposal that does not reflect the needs of our nation.

The security of our nation is founded upon a strong economy and the future of our nation rests in our investments in education.The President’s budget steals billions of dollars from critical job-creating investments in infrastructure, innovation and clean energy. It features unprecedented cuts to programs designed to revitalize communities and generate broad-based prosperity.

Instead of giving public schools and our teachers the resources and professional development services they need to provide our children with excellent, high-quality education, the proposed budget would severely slash more than 22 important educational programs.

Drastic cuts to Social Security Disability Insurance, and Medicaid would undermine coverage for millions of Americans, and abandons our most vulnerable citizens including the elderly, Americans with disabilities, and our children.    

We simply cannot afford a budget that hollows out our economy, ransacks our investments in jobs, undermines basic living standards and strips funding for public education. We must continue to work together to ensure that all Americans are protected and not forgotten while we seek growth and a competitive advantage in the workforce." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson