Monday, January 18, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Recognizes The Life And Legacy Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Few Americans have left the lasting impact on our country like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King.  He spearheaded a movement that changed the course of not only this Nation but the world.  From leading sit-ins and marches in the South, to being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. King’s life and lessons have been a source of inspiration for generations of Americans.
Dr. King gave his life to end the injustices of segregation and Jim Crow laws. His life and leadership helped move America to fulfill the promise that all men were truly created equal under the law, regardless of their race, religion, or income. 
On Monday, people across the country will honor Dr. King’s legacy by doing service projects in their local communities. This day of service furthers the legacy of peace, service, and inclusion that Dr. King left us with. I have been taking part in Martin Luther King activities, service projects, and celebrations all weekend.  I was honored to serve as the Grand Marshal for the City of Lancaster’s Martin Luther King Day parade.  My district staff will also be participating in a day of service by helping on the ground in Glen Heights in the wake of the recent tornadoes.    
More than fifty years after Dr. King helped bring about the Voting Rights Act, it is still as important today to fight for these same values.  We must continue vigorously protect all Americans right to vote and prevent laws from limiting access to the ballot box. On this Martin Luther King Day, it is up to each of us to continue to stamp our racial injustice wherever it occurs and advocate for equality of opportunity and justice for all.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson