Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Has Been Endorsed By Dallas Morning News

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has earned the endorsement of The Dallas Morning News. The Dallas Morning News  considered several issues in the endorsement process including a candidates record, knowledge, and position on national security, foreign relations, refugee crisis, tax reform, income disparity, minimum wage, social security, climate change, gun violence, healthcare, and trade.

In their endorsement, the Dallas Morning News acknowledged Congresswoman Johnson's clout and experience in Washington and her position as Ranking Member of the House Committee On Science, Space, & Technology where she is a leading voice on energy and the environment. The Dallas Morning News went on to recognize Congresswoman Johnson's leadership on issues vital to North Texas including water resources, transportation and infrastructure.

"I am pleased to have received the endorsement of the Dallas Morning News. I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish in Congress on behalf of the people of the 30th Congressional District and all of North Texas. I hope to continue to work for a better Dallas in the years to come." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson