Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Recognizes World AIDS Day

“Today, around the world, we take a moment to reflect and recognize World Aids Day. Each year since 1988, we commemorate those who have died and show our support for those living with HIV and AIDS. 

While numerous scientific advances have been made in HIV treatment, World AIDS Day reminds us that HIV is still destructive and that there is no cure. There is still a critical need for funding, research, and education in our country and abroad.

The passage of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and Stewardship and Oversight Act (PEPFAR) is encouraging because of the necessity of an international response to the ongoing HIV/AIDS pandemic. Eleven years ago, I initiated the first round of PEPFAR talks with President George W. Bush while I was the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.

As we embark on another reauthorization of the Ryan White CARE Act, it is imperative that we remain diligent in the battle against AIDS. I will continue to do what is necessary to engage in this fight to promote public health around the world. I urge my colleagues fight this battle and to join me as we recognize World AIDS Day.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson