Sunday, December 15, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Denounces The Failure Of The Republican Led Do-Nothing Congress

“We are now at the end of 2013 and, under the leadership of the House Republicans, this year turned out to be one of the least productive in Congressional history. This was clearly illustrated during their biggest failure of leadership, causing the shutdown of the government that put another drag on the economy.

They catered to the Tea-party and the most irresponsible extremes of the Republican party with those 46 votes to repeal or undermine the Affordable Care Act. Instead the American people got no action on bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform. Republicans failed to complete action on a five-year farm bill. They took food off the table for the millions of working families that needed SNAP benefits to make it in these hard times. There was no action on extending critical unemployment insurance for the million people who will see their benefits cut off over the holidays. There was no action on sensible background checks for gun purchases. No action on ending discrimination in the workplace. No pay raise for hard-working American families by increasing the minimum wage. The congressional Republicans simply failed to bring any meaningful action on jobs or job creating bills to the table.

It is time to overcome the dysfunction that has plagued Congress.  I remain ever hopeful that in the New Year, Republicans in the House will turn a new leaf and join Democrats to take bipartisan action on the issues crucial to the American people – growing the economy, strengthening the middle class, and creating jobs.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson