Saturday, December 7, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Mourns The Death Of Nelson Mandela

“Today the world mourns the loss one of its greatest heroes.  President Nelson Mandela was truly a beacon of hope and an inspiration not only to the people of his country, but to the entire world.  I am so sad to hear of his passing, and I pray for the people of South Africa as they grieve over the loss of Mandela. 

I have been fortunate to not only meet, but work with Nelson Mandela during my career. I have been able to draw inspiration and guidance from the examples he has set. He was the ultimate “uniter” that not only brought an end to apartheid in South Africa, but served as an example for many nations on how to peacefully bring about democratic change.  I am grateful to have known and learned from this great man and I will keep his family and country in my prayers.”