Congresswoman Johnson Reacts To The Supreme Court's Decision To Strike Down Section 4 Of The Voting Rights Act Of 1965
“Today, the Supreme Court dealt a devastating blow to those who have fought to restore the integrity of the electoral process. The Court’s decision will turn back decades of sacrifice by civil rights leaders and legislators who have continuously fought to preserve equal voting rights for minorities. Despite much progress, there is still a mountain of evidence to suggest that present-day disenfranchisement and suppressive tactics are still being used at polling places. During the 2012 election cycle, many states enacted oppressive voting laws that aimed to alienate, intimidate, and ultimately discourage minorities from exercising their right to cast their ballots at the polls. In the state of Texas, the strictest voter ID laws in the country were struck down because of the protection under the Voting Rights Act.
Now is the time for Congress to put aside partisan politics, and truly work in a bipartisan manner to ensure we are protecting all American citizens’ voting rights. As we move forward, I will continue to work with my colleagues, on both sides of the aisle, to develop an updated formula for determining which states must seek preclearance. We must not delay on something so crucial as protecting the inalienable American right to vote.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson