Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Praises The Supreme Court's Decision To Strike Down The Defense Of Marriage Act

“The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act is a monumental victory for marriage equality in this country.  As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month, the Court’s decision is a timely affirmation of our commitment to preserve equal rights for all Americans. Discrimination in all of its forms is still inequality, and I am proud that the highest court in our land has taken a strong stance in favor of equal rights for all Americans.

I was proud to join with 211 of my House and Senate colleagues to file an amicus brief, urging the Court to uphold the lower court’s ruling in U.S. v. Edith Schlain Windsor that DOMA is unconstitutional. With this landmark decision, same-sex couples will now have access to more than 1,100 federal laws, programs, and benefits that were traditionally afforded only to opposite-sex couples. Today’s decision moves our country forward as we continue to fight for equal rights for all American citizens.  ” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johns