Thursday, June 13, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Pressures GOP To Prevent Spike In Student Loan Rates

Student loan interest rates are about to double for 7 million students unless Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill can reach agreement on a bipartisan deal.

But there is one point of agreement across party lines: Members of the Texas delegation say they want to make college more affordable.
On July 1, interest rates will double from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent unless Congress agrees to some sort of bipartisan deal. Undergraduates with subsidized loans receive aid based on financial need and increased interest rates could be a heavy burden on these students.
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson has been leading the charge on social media to draw attention to the potential increase in student loan rates and to demonstrate how a large number of students  are already struggling with massive debt.
The Dallas Democrat voiced her concerns via Twitter: The clock is ticking: the GOP has 19 days left to keep college affordable for America's students and middle class families. Hardworking families already carry $1 trillion in student loan debt – and we must act to ease, not exacerbate, that burden. — US Rep E.B.Johnson

Source: Houston Chronicle - Texas On The Potomac