Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's Record Of Leadership On Science & Technology

Our nation’s global leadership depends on its ability to innovate scientifically and technologically.” – Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Founder of the Congressional Black Caucus Science and Technology Braintrust
For 20 years, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has chaired an annual forum with audience of more than 300 students, teachers, and policymakers to gather and discuss ideas on how to improve research and educational opportunities for young people.

Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology
In December 2010, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson was elected by her Congressional peers as the first black and first female to lead the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

Founding Member of the House Diversity and Innovation (D&I) Caucus
In 2007, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson founded the House D&I Caucus; a bi-partisan group of more than 60 Members of the House of Representatives who promote increased diversity in STEM.

Founding Member of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Caucus
In 2008, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson founded a Congressional caucus to promote the interests of historically black colleges and universities and other higher-education institutions classified as predominantly black. The caucus was formed in order to create a bipartisan dialogue in Congress that will focus on the legislative priorities of our nation’s HBCU’s.

A Proven Record of Advancing America’s Science and Technology Infrastructure
Throughout Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s 20 year tenure on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, she has introduced and amended dozens of bills to pass significant legislation; most importantly the America COMPETES act which she co-authored.

Co-Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Technology Taskforce
Congresswoman Johnson was appointed to serve as chair of the CBC taskforce which oversees science policy. She played a leading role in developing CBC legislative priorities for the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 and led a Tri-Caucus letter asking the Senate to retain diversity provisions in the 86$ billion dollar bill.

Eddie Bernice Johnson Lecture Series in Science and Technology
For over 20 years, the Eddie Bernice Johnson Math and Science lecture series has been sponsored annually by the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). As a leader in promoting science and math education nationally, UTD Dallas sponsors this annual lecture series in order to broadcast prominent speakers in the fields of science and technology to Dallas-area high school students.

Links, Incorporated
Congresswoman Johnson was appointed to serve as Links Incorporated’s National Leader for STEM. Links, Incorporated, is an international, not-for-profit corporation, established in 1946 with more than 12,000 professional women of color in 270 chapters located in 42 states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

Scientific Advisor to Commission for the Building Engineering and Scientific Talent
With former Congresswoman Connie Morella, Congresswoman Johnson advised the Building Engineering and Scientific Talent (BEST) Commission. BEST was a national campaign for identifying and sharing best practices in building a stronger, more diverse technical workforce.

An Active National Member of Scientific Associations
During Congresswoman Johnson’s tenure in Congress, she has partnered with the National Academy of Engineers (NAE), the National Society of Women Engineers (NSWE) and the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) in efforts to increase scientific output in the United States by raising methods and standards in order to prepare stronger educators and students.

Led Congressional Perspective on the “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” Report
Congresswoman Johnson served as a lead voice on the release of the historic “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” report. Conducted by the National Academies and chaired by Dr. Norm Augustine, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” was the catalyst for legislation to invigorate innovation in America.

Recognized by the American Chemical Society, AAAS, the National Society of Women Engineers and other Scientific Organizations as a Leader in Science Policy
Over the years as an engaged Member of Congress on Science policy, Congresswoman Johnson has been humbled to receive numerous recognition from top scientific organizations for her role in the lawmaking process.

An Ally of Public and Private Partnerships
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has worked closely with nonprofits and businesses, such as Texas Instruments, Dell, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and the Gates Foundation in order to bolster job creation.

International Voice on Science Policy
Congresswoman Johnson has spoken at international venues and has worked with top scientists and lawmakers around the world to address international science policy