Sunday, October 7, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Fights For American Jobs

"As many Americans continue to face tough economic times, House Democrats and I remain strongly committed to legislation that creates jobs by helping small businesses, entrepreneurs, and the middle class succeed. However, while I have the utmost respect for my colleagues across the aisle, inaction and opposition from House Republicans has caused progress in this legislation to be slow-moving at best.

For example, to create a thriving middle class, House Democrats have supported legislation to extend tax cuts to Americans making under $250,000 a year. Republicans on the other hand are threatening to let everyone’s tax cuts expire unless tax cuts are extended for the wealthiest two percent of Americans as well.

House Republicans have also thwarted President Obama’s American Jobs Act, which was sent to Congress a year ago. If passed, the act would create more than 1 million American jobs and tax cuts that allow small businesses to grow and hire. My Democratic colleagues and I strongly support this bill. Meanwhile, Republican leadership has refused to bring American Jobs Act initiatives to the floor, while simultaneously failing to develop a comprehensive jobs plan of their own.

These instances highlight how House Republicans’ failure to compromise hinders economic growth and job creation. I will continue to fight to reach a compromise with House Republicans to bring economic stability to American families and small businesses."