Friday, October 19, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Comments On Burdensome Healthcare Costs Under the Ryan Medicare Plan

Congresswoman Ryan's plans for Medicare would affect seniors in the 30th Congressional District of Texas.

Congressman Ryan introduced a budget, supported by presidential candidate Mitt Romney and House Republicans, which would effectively make the current Medicare system unrecognizable. The plan turns Medicare into a voucher system, increasing premiums and costs for seniors while making them fully dependent on private insurance companies.  Under the Ryan Plan, seniors will no longer be assured coverage and affordability of Medicare.   Americans, who have contributed to Medicare throughout their life, will no longer be guaranteed just compensation after they retire.

If implemented in the 30th District, the Ryan plan will:
  • Increase prescription costs for 4,600 Medicare beneficiaries who enter the Part D donut hole, forcing them to pay an extra $42 million for drugs over the next decade.
  • Eliminate new preventive care benefits for 71,000 Medicare beneficiaries.
  • Force 71,000 Medicare beneficiaries who are currently enrolled in traditional Medicare to pay thousands of dollars more in premiums to remain in traditional Medicare after Medicare becomes a voucher program.
  • Reduce coverage for 11,600 Medicare beneficiaries who rely on Medicaid to supplement their Medicare coverage, potentially denying them over $410 million in health benefits.
  • Jeopardize nursing home care for 1,400 district residents whose expenses are paid by Medicaid.
The Ryan plan would have severe consequences for the seniors of the 30th District, and I refuse to support a policy that breaks the promises I have made to them. However, the Affordable Care Act lowers the costs of prescription drugs for seniors, offers vital preventive services for seniors, and extends the program by almost a decade.  Therefore, I will continue to work with my Democratic colleagues to protect seniors from the Ryan plan, while advocating for the continued implementation of the Affordable Care Act.