Thursday, February 9, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's Statement On The Introduction Of The Disclose 2012 Act

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson issued the following statement on the introduction of the DISCLOSE 2012 Act, which will promote transparency and disclosure of the secret money being used to influence American elections:

“I’m pleased today to join my Democratic colleagues to introduce the DISCLOSE 2012 Act that will require expanded disclosure of campaign spending by Super-PACs, corporations, and lobbyists. The American people have a right to know how donations are potentially influencing our elections, and this is the first step to holding large donors and the candidates accountable.

The Supreme Court decision in Citizens United overturned decades of precedence and has dramatically changed the way corporations and wealthy donors can influence Federal elections. By lifting any limits on these donations, this ruling has tainted our electoral process and how elections now take place. The lack of transparency surrounding the newly-formed Super-PACs allows special interests to donate unprecedented amounts of money to campaigns, as we are already witnessing in the 2012 Presidential Election.”