Friday, February 10, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Discusses The Health-Care Law's Contraception Mandate On MSNBC

Congresswoman Johnson discusses the Health-care Law's Contraception mandate on MSNBC with Martin Bashir. She expresses her opinion that this was a woman's issue and how the majority of all women use some form of contraception and discusses why Republicans in Congress have become relentless in their attacks on President Obama.

Bashir - Paul Ryan was sounding very do you think he believes the President is secretly wanting to cause the gridlock?

EBJ - He might believe that because it's at the point now where we don't know what the Republicans believe. It's a got you. Every issue is a got you where they find something to criticize the President on instead of taking care of the people. The whole focus of these Republicans is getting away to have a wedge against the President. They are not taking care of business .

Bashir - Do you think that's why they have chosen to jump on this contraception issue?

EBJ - Indeed.

Bashir You think this is another opportunity to attack the president?

EBJ - It's another opportunity to attack the President. Use an emotional issue to try to divide the President from some voters. We're talking about an insurance plan. We're not talking about church or faith. It does not force anything on anybody. It gives women the opportunity to have health care of their choice. It's so interesting that they focus on abortion. Abortion demand is at the lowest its been in modern history . It's really not about that issue. It's just another wedge issue to attack the President.

Bashir -Speaker Boehner says this is about the Federal government interfering in the consciences of American people . Do you have no sympathy at all for his position?

EBJ - I do not because I know it's false position to get the emotions of people. It's not real. If it was real thing, I think I could go along with it. We're talking about insurance coverage. Ask the women, if they want the health care coverage. Every time this issue comes up, it's always a male that brings it up who will never need an abortion. I hope that most women won't need an abortion, but it's an individual choice if there's a troubled pregnancy. It's not the choice of anyone else but the person or family and her doctor. It should not be a discuss here. This insurance coverage, it is not an religious issue. It's a family business issue. It has nothing to do with religion. We all have the freedom of religion . Uou know what, i don't hear anybody else talking about what's in insurance plans. The women of this nation want to be covered. They want to be covered whether or not they're working for a Catholic hospital. I am a product of a nursing school by Catholic college. I will always be grateful for that education. i'm a product of a Catholic church , but I do believe in individual choices. I think that I have no right to impose my choice on any other female.

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