Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's Statement On The Interim Texas Redistricting Maps

'I have reviewed Map C-226 as well the statement issued by Texas Attorney General Abbott regarding an agreement reached by some parties in the ongoing redistricting dispute. I am outraged by these developments and cannot in good conscious support these efforts.'

'During my in entire Congressional career I have worked tirelessly to ensure the equality of all. Unfortunately, I remember a time when every man and woman was not treated equal and I refuse to be a part of any effort that would move any group of people back towards those unjust times. Throughout the entire redistricting process, I have worked as part of a delegation to ensure that every voter, regardless of race, have the ability to elect a candidate of their choice. Unfortunately, if this map were to go into effect, many voters in Texas would not have this ability.'

'My goal in redistricting has always been to ensure that both the African-American and Latino populations in North Texas have their voices heard in the electoral process. However, these negotiators had others motives. The behavior exhibited today, is just another example of a closed-door, back-room deal. It clearly conveys that some parties are more concerned with personal gain than they are of protecting the voting rights of all Texans.'

'In North Texas, some of the most influential Latino leaders were purposely drawn out of the district that was created for their community. Specifically, the residences of Councilwoman Pauline Medrano, State Representative Roberto Alonzo, State Representative Rafael Anchia as well as prominent community leader Domingo Garcia were all drawn out of the so-called Latino opportunity district. Instead, each of the aforementioned individuals will all be residents of the majority African-American, 30th Congressional District.'

'Over the last decade, minority populations accounted for 80% of the growth in Texas. It would be unconscionable to support any map that does not reflect these population growth trends. To pass the proposed map, would support the long trend of minority voter disenfranchisement in our state and would have a devastating impact on minority communities for decades to come.'

'I stand fully committed to work towards an amiable solution that protects the rights of both the African-American and Latino populations in North Texas.'