Thursday, September 15, 2011

Congresswoman Johnson Joins The Progressive Caucus In Announcing 'Rebuild The American Dream' Jobs Platform

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson joined her colleagues in the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) to announce the Rebuild the American Dream Jobs Platform. The six principles of the platform are areas congresswoman Johnson and the Progressive Caucus have been championing for some time. These principles of: Reviving American manufacturing, rebuilding infrastructure, preparing citizens for jobs of the future, laying the pathway to lead the “Green Technology” revolution, a fair tax system, and ensuring that jobs that are created are quality “good paying” jobs are an effort to put Americans back to work.

“The Rebuild the American Dream Framework is the best way forward on jobs. It outlines what we need to do to put Americans back to work,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “We can strengthen our nation’s future and begin to address the unemployment crisis simultaneously by implementing the principles in this Jobs Framework.”

Read the Huffington Post article on the 'Rebuild The American Dream' Jobs Platform