Thursday, September 8, 2011


The American Jobs Act would include tax credits for companies hiring veterans, aid to state and local governments to prevent the layoffs of police, firefighters and up to 280,000 teachers, the modernization of 35,000 public schools, and a multi-billion dollar infrastructure fund to help modernize roads, bridges, railroads and airports.

“I applaud the President’s remarks tonight on moving forward with job creation initiatives and especially his sense of urgency. I am in support of President’s plan, the American Jobs Act. Recently, I was part of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competiveness which met in Dallas where North Texans discussed many of the same points he discussed tonight in his speech.” Congresswoman Johnson said.

“I have always believed that the investments we make in research, education, and innovation today will create the jobs of tomorrow. I support the President’s plan to help our innovators and entrepreneurs create new technologies, rehire quality teachers for our classrooms, and build new companies and create the high-paying, high-skills jobs that will keep our economy strong and continue to improve the standard of living for all of us.”