Thursday, September 22, 2011

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson: "Our Country Cannot Afford To Lose".

Dear Friends:

Our country needs to invest in its future instead of cutting necessary programs for our most vulnerable citizens. The American Job’s Act is the first step in the right direction. I have met with the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, and we share the belief that North Texans will greatly benefit from this proactive plan.

My republican counterparts believe that the answer is to slash the budget. After 250 days in office, the majority has yet to bring forth legislation that would lead to the creation of jobs. Instead, the republicans have created legislation that could cost hardworking Americans almost 2 million jobs and result in a manufacturing crisis. While criticizing the President’s plan, the same people will be supporting the “Outsourcer’s Bill of Rights,” promoting shipping jobs overseas and weakening the middle class workers.

Our country cannot afford to lose valuable programs like Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare right now or in the future. Congress needs to focus on strengthening the middle class, creating opportunities for employment and making our government more efficient for our citizens. We will survive these strenuous economic times but not on the backs of our most vulnerable citizens.

Sincerely your Congresswoman,