Some of us lost loved ones. My youngest sister, Helen Willis Johnson, passed in November and the pain of her passing is carried in my soul.
I am certain that many of you lost people close to you. I extend my deepest condolences as you, too, mourn the passing of those who affected your lives.
As a nation we witnessed the departure from office of President Barack Obama, a visionary leader, respected the world over, who lifted us from financial ruin and ushered in years of prosperity and economic growth.
Sadly, President Obama, whose major legislative achievement, the Affordable Care Act, provided health insurance to millions of Americans who had not been able to afford it, was followed into office by President Donald J. Trump.
It has been a turbulent time for our nation since January 20th when President Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States.
His rhetoric and his policies have harmed caring and progressive citizens in our country. He has withdrawn America from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. He has attempted to neuter the Affordable Care Act.
The President has opposed sensible trade agreements that were in the best interests of the American economy, and he has appointed radical conservatives to the federal courts.
We must not allow this President to take our country backwards. We must continue to stand and rally voters to oppose draconian policies that only serve the wealthiest amongst us, such as the tax legislation signed into law just before Christmas.
Yes, it does appear bleak, but we must continue to stand tall and rise for goodness and greatness. This year must be our "finest hour."
I pledge to you that I will not bend nor will I break given the current morass that is Washington.
I shall continue to serve you and represent your interests with every bit of strength that God gives me. That is my New Year's promise to you, and to your family." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
SOURCE: Dallas Weekly