Saturday, January 13, 2018

Congresswoman Johnson Condemns Trump's Remarks About Haiti and African Nations

“The president’s most recent comments about the immigrants from Haiti and Africa are beyond disgraceful. 

The president’s ongoing war against immigrants appears to be solely directed toward those immigrants of color. America is America because of the slaves who were bought, purchased and shipped here unwillingly from Africa and Haiti to build the infrastructure that makes this country what it is today. And if the president needs a reminder the home where he resides, The White House was built by slaves—immigrants.

“No person’s merits or character should ever be attacked based on where they are from. I have been a strong advocate in protecting DREAMers, children who were unknowingly brought into this country by their parents, and those who benefit from Temporary Protection Status (TPS) who have fled civil unrest or natural disasters in search of a better life. My hope and continuous fight is that we will have the opportunity to fix our immigration system so it continues to be diverse and inclusive of those immigrants who are often overlooked from parts of the world such as Africa. May the president’s ignorance not impact the growth of ideas, innovation and development from immigrants who are willing to contribute to building a better union.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson