Monday, June 26, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Introduces Resolution Honoring U.S. Capitol Police

H. Con. Res. 64 was created in order to recognize the United States Capitol Police (USCP) and their officers’ dedication to protecting the institution and its staff in the face of new and dynamic threats in the 21st century. This resolution will help honor and respect the bravery displayed by USCP on a daily basis and for their innumerable sacrifices to protect Members of Congress, their staff, and the general public.
“I have served for almost a quarter of a century in the United States Congress, and I have witnessed on many accounts the men and women of the U.S. Capitol Police putting their lives on the line to protect this community,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “Their dedication to this institution and its people has been steadfast, even in the face of the dynamic threats that face Congress. The officers work tirelessly toward ensuring our security, often times without apparent gratitude or recognition. This resolution is just one way for the Congressional community to honor these individuals and express our gratitude once and for all.”
“U.S. Capitol Police do not see red or blue,” said Rep. Reichert. “And as we saw yesterday, they do not hesitate to act swiftly and take fire when someone’s safety is at risk. In an environment where the airwaves are filled with headlines of political feuds, they are a steady, unbiased source of comfort and security to the Capitol Hill community. Their commitment to serving and protecting Members of Congress, congressional aids, and visitors from around the world is party-blind and unwavering. I am proud to join a bipartisan group of colleagues in recognizing their tremendous sacrifice, bravery, and professionalism.”
“The U.S. Capitol Police are some of America’s finest men and women in uniform,” said Rep. Carson. “Each day, these officers perform some of the most important jobs here on the Hill: protecting the thousands of men and women who work at the Capitol complex, as well as the millions of visitors who travel here each year in hopes of seeing our democracy at work. I am proud to join a bipartisan group of colleagues in recognizing their tremendous efforts.”
“The Capitol Police generally don’t get the recognition they deserve. Their bravery this week saved lives, which is just as important as the peace of mind they provide as our nation’s duly elected decision-makers shuffle between buildings and venues all day long,” said Rep. Pascrell. “This is a thankless job about 99 percent of the time. So, I’m proud to honor, not only Special Agents Crystal Griner and David Bailey, who showed extraordinary courage this week, but the full force that protects and serves our nation’s capital.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson