Friday, March 17, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson's Statement On Trump's Proposed 2018 Budget

"President Trump released his budget proposal for the 2018 fiscal year. His budget proposal is devastating and troubling to working class Americans. It is becoming clear that the president lacks the fundamental knowledge of how to appropriate funds properly in order to help sustain our economy and build up our lower and middle income class. In addition to failing to fund these hardworking people, he wants to eliminate some of the following: funding for NIH  to help find cures for diseases and mental health, research and development needed to spearhead innovation in our communities, art and public broadcasting spending, the aid provided to afterschool programs and teacher trainings, as well as aid to low-income and minority college students. Additionally, an undue burden of responsibility will be placed on the local government to fund new transit projects and  social programs to assist with job search, legal advice and housing needs that will not be met in the President’s budget. Only three agency’s budgets were increased – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Defense. Our nation deserves better.”
“Although I believe it is important to protect our nation and our military’s strength, it is not the job of the working class to carry such a heavy financial burden by paying for the physical construction of a border wall. And a physical construct is not what we’ll depend on for our democracy to flourish and be efficient. Americans would like to continue contributing to our economy and believe in its sustainability.”
“This budget should protect all Americans, not just support Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric. I hope that Congress will review this budget and be able to protect the interests of all Americans.”
- Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson