Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Rejects Trump's Budget As Reckless

“Though the details on the President’s proposed budget are few and far between, one thing that we know is that non-defense discretionary spending will be slashed. Non-defense discretionary spending includes the bulk of our R&D, education, and innovation programs. It is the spending that helps protect our air and water, funds our basic research, allows us to explore the universe, advances our knowledge of our changing climate, and moves us forward on developing clean energy technologies.
“I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it -- research and education lead to innovation, innovation leads to economic development, good paying jobs, and the revenue to pay for more research. The only responsible course of action for our nation is to invest in our research agencies, not hamstring them with draconian cuts.”
“I will attend the address tonight, but I cannot imagine President will have anything to say that will convince me that this reckless budget blueprint should be taken seriously.”