Saturday, March 25, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Applauds The Defeat Of The Repeal Of The Affordable Care Act

"Today is a victory for the millions of people that would lose health coverage if the Affordable Care Act was to be repealed. With an outpouring of correspondence to Representatives and their staffs this week, the people have spoken firmly against this bill. Republican leadership rushed their healthcare bill to the floor without enough consideration for the lives of the people it would affect. I am pleased that the Affordable Care Act will stay in place, and promise to join my colleagues in opposing any bill that comes up in the future, should it be as disorganized and dangerous as this one." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Introduces National Nurses Act 2017

Congresswoman  Johnson introduced the National Nurse Act of 2017, which would designate the Chief Nurse Officer position of the U.S. Public Health Service as “The National Nurse for Public Health.” Congresswoman Johnson released the following statement describing the importance of the bill:
“The National Nurse Act of 2017 is a common-sense, cost-effective way to improve the health and wellness of all Americans.  As a registered non-practicing nurse whose political career began in nursing, I know firsthand how national policy can sometimes fail or inhibit nurses working in the field,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “Therefore, establishing a National Nurse, who would work alongside the Surgeon General, would help advocate for nurses and in turn advance healthcare for the many Americans who see nurses every day.”
“The National Nurse could focus on the important issues of health promotion, improving health literacy, and decreasing health disparities.  Nurses play a critical role in the prevention and management of our nation’s deadliest conditions like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and opioid addiction.  It is my firm belief that establishing a National Nurse for Public Health in America would save so many lives—it is a shame we have not done so already.”
Key Responsibilities of the National Nurse:
  • Collaborate with the Office of the Surgeon General to identify and address national health priorities;
  • Serve as a visible national spokesperson for engaging nurses in leadership, policy, and prevention efforts;
  • Encourage health professionals to work with community programs to improve health;
  • Increase public safety and emergency preparedness and;
  • Prepare and submit biennial report to Congress on nurses serving in the U.S. Public Health Service.

Congresswoman Johnson Criticizes Trump's 'Pay More For Less' Healthcare bill

Congresswoman  Johnson criticized the House Republican “Pay More For Less” bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), whose Director was appointed by a Republican President, released a report detailing the consequences of the misguided bill:
“Failing to own up to Donald Trump’s promise that Republicans would provide ‘insurance for everybody,’ the 'Pay More For Less' bill’s flaws are showcased prominently in the CBO report,” said Representative Johnson.  “Instead of expanding Americans’ access to health care, this bill will result in almost 24 million additional uninsured people in America over the next eight years.  This is not an improvement on the Affordable Care Act – it is a partisan play that will hurt Americans and takes us backwards in our progress to get quality affordable healthcare for all.”
“The numbers from this report conclude that this bill is not effective in helping people.  Hard-working people will suffer and they will not get the care they deserve,” continued Representative Johnson. “I will fight with every ounce of my strength to help the over 300,000 people in my Dallas-area district who could lose components of their health insurance coverage because of the ‘Pay More for Less’ bill.”
Key Findings of the CBO Report
  • 24 million Americans will lose their health coverage by 2026 – including 14 million by 2018 alone.
  • Under the GOP bill, 19 percent of the nonelderly population will be uninsured in 2026, compared to 10 percent in 2026 under current law.
  • The bill would slash Medicaid by $880 billion over the next 10 years.
  • Under the GOP bill, a 64-year-old with an income of $26,500 in the individual market could pay $12,900 more in their premiums each year.
  • By defunding Planned Parenthood for one year, the bill would cause many women to lose access to critical care, including contraceptives and other family planning services.
  • The bill gives $600 billion in tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans and large corporations – including the repeal of the 10% tax on tanning salons, repealing the tax on prescription drugs and medical devices, and gives $2.8 billion to the 400 richest people in the country.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson on America First

"You can't make America first if you put its people last..." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Congresswoman Johnson's Statement On Trump's Proposed 2018 Budget

"President Trump released his budget proposal for the 2018 fiscal year. His budget proposal is devastating and troubling to working class Americans. It is becoming clear that the president lacks the fundamental knowledge of how to appropriate funds properly in order to help sustain our economy and build up our lower and middle income class. In addition to failing to fund these hardworking people, he wants to eliminate some of the following: funding for NIH  to help find cures for diseases and mental health, research and development needed to spearhead innovation in our communities, art and public broadcasting spending, the aid provided to afterschool programs and teacher trainings, as well as aid to low-income and minority college students. Additionally, an undue burden of responsibility will be placed on the local government to fund new transit projects and  social programs to assist with job search, legal advice and housing needs that will not be met in the President’s budget. Only three agency’s budgets were increased – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Defense. Our nation deserves better.”
“Although I believe it is important to protect our nation and our military’s strength, it is not the job of the working class to carry such a heavy financial burden by paying for the physical construction of a border wall. And a physical construct is not what we’ll depend on for our democracy to flourish and be efficient. Americans would like to continue contributing to our economy and believe in its sustainability.”
“This budget should protect all Americans, not just support Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric. I hope that Congress will review this budget and be able to protect the interests of all Americans.”
- Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson  

Monday, March 6, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Addresses Second Trump Travel Ban

"On January 27, 2017, President Trump and White House officials released its second iteration of the controversial immigration and travel ban.  President Trump’s first Executive Order was found to be discriminatory toward Muslim immigrants and struck down in federal court.  From his initial travel ban, individuals from seven Muslim-majority countries were barred entry to the United States – including those who possessed valid visas to legally work or study in the United States.  It also temporarily suspended the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, while indefinitely banning Syrian residents from entering the U.S.
As President Trump’s Administration continues to argue that our national security is at risk due to immigration from the Muslim-majority countries included in the Executive Order, a recently leaked report from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) refutes this claim. The report cites a lack of evidence to support the Administration’s claims that barring those from the seven Muslim-majority countries will reduce the threat of terrorism. The new ban allows continuous unwarranted chaos and disruption for businesses, families, and those seeking a better life and opportunity.
The new travel ban issued today will take effect on March 16, 2017.  Foreign nationals from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen who are outside of the U.S. and who did not hold a valid visa or green card on January 27, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. eastern standard time will not be granted entry to the United States. During the 90-day period, DHS plans to look at the system in place and make revisions to the vetting process. Refugees who have waited many years and endured the vetting process will likely see their applications expire and may have to redo the entire process again, prolonging their time spent in danger and separated from their families. 
We should not impose a racially or religiously motivated litmus test on individuals in order to gain entry into the United States.  It is unconstitutional and is contrary to the values we treasure as Americans." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Friday, March 3, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Warns Against Cuts To EPA

A reported proposal by the White House to sharply cut the budget and staff of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and to zero out a number of agency programs has drawn a sharp rebuke from Democrats, scientists, and environment groups.
The proposed plan from the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for fiscal year (FY) 2018 would reduce EPA’s budget by about 25%, from about $8.2 billion to $6.1 billion annually, and trim staff by about 20%, from about 15,000 to 12,000, according to the Washington Post and confirmed by Eos.
The plan, which comes at an early stage of the budget process, recommends zeroing out many agency programs and grants, including initiatives focused on global change research, implementation of the Clean Power Plan, clean diesel funding under the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act, environmental justice, and environmental education. Funding for other programs that address human exposure to radon, the cleanup and reuse of “brownfield” properties, and energy conservation through Energy Star grants also vanishes in the proposal. In addition, the Chesapeake Bay cleanup project would drop from $73 million to $5 million in FY 2018, according to the Post.
“If the reports on the planned cuts to EPA’s budget and staffing are accurate, they would be devastating to EPA’s ability to carry out its mission of protecting human health and the environment,” Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), ranking member of the House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, said in a statement released to Eos. “They would also show that President Trump was not at all serious when he pledged to ‘promote clean air and water’ in his address to Congress. I will do everything that I can to work against this pernicious ‘budget blueprint.’”

SOURCE: Earth & Space Sciences News

Congresswoman Johnson Urges Inspector General To Protect Scientists and Data

House Ranking Members, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30) of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee; Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (NJ-6) of the Energy and Commerce Committee; Rep. Elijah J. Cummings (MD-7) of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee; and Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-3) of the Natural Resources Committee, wrote a letter to the Inspectors General of the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Commerce, Department of Energy, Department of Health & Human Services, Department of the Interior, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission urging them to be vigilant against any threats to scientific integrity by the Trump Administration within their respective agencies.
Ranking Members Johnson, Pallone, Cummings, and Grijalva said in the letter, “Inspectors General are provided with broad powers to act within their agencies to hold officials accountable for their compliance with the law. You play a critical role in the effort to safeguard taxpayers’ interests in ensuring a sound and effective government. The U.S. has long been recognized as the world’s leader in science and technology, largely due to sustained federal investments in research and development.  As the new administration takes power, we expect that you will devote your attention and considerable resources to ensuring that all federal agencies maintain their high standards of scientific integrity and independence that are essential to our nation’s continued global leadership in science and technology.”

Congresswoman Johnson Introduces Scientific Integrity Act

House Science Committee members Representative Paul Tonko(NY-20) and Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30), along with RepresentativesNiki Tsongas (MA-3) and Alan Lowenthal (CA-47), announced the introduction of the Scientific Integrity Act requiring U.S. federal agencies to adopt or strengthen policies to insulate government-directed research from the influence of political pressure and special interests. The bill was introduced with a total of 77 original cosponsors.
Under the Scientific Integrity Act:
  • Federal agencies that conduct or fund scientific research would be required to develop clear written scientific integrity policies that can guarantee research is being done and published without undue influence, censorship or distortion.
  • Scientific and technological information would be able to flow more easily while protecting privacy, confidentiality and national security.
24 separate federal agencies have developed scientific integrity policies to-date. This legislation would also codify and strengthen these policies within a common framework.
Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30): “I want to thank my colleague Mr. Tonko for his leadership on this very important legislation. Over the last few years, Federal agencies have developed and implemented policies that ensure transparency and integrity in the conduct of scientific research, the communication of scientific findings, and the utilization of scientific findings in the policy making process. This bill in effect codifies those policies to ensure that they remain in place through both Republican and Democratic administrations. Federal scientists and engineers represent some of the brightest minds our nation has to offer. They have chosen a career in public service because they want to help solve our national challenges and contribute to a better world. I am concerned about the increasing suppression or denial of widely supported and tested scientific findings by some government and private sector leaders because of politics, ideology, or financial conflicts of interest. Those actions have contributed to an erosion in the public’s trust in science and done great harm to policy makers’ ability to develop smart solutions to our nation’s challenges. It’s time to restore the public trust and ensure the integrity of science in the policymaking process."

Congresswoman Johnson Releases Report Showing Devastating Local Risks Of Repealing ACA

Since the ACA was implemented in 2012, the uninsured rate in our district has dropped from 27.3% to 20.8%. Nationally, more than 20 million previously uninsured Americans have gained access to affordable and high quality health insurance, and 265,600 people in my district have gained that same coverage. Thanks to this expanded access, the uninsured rate has reached an historic low. 
The ACA’s historic gains were achieved by creating online Marketplaces for consumers to purchase insurance with financial assistance, and by expanding Medicaid. The district report finds that 32,700 people in the district selected high-quality coverage through the ACA Marketplaces in 2016, including 27,600 people who received financial assistance to purchase their coverage. This coverage could be lost if Republicans dismantle the Marketplaces. 
The report also finds that 301,800 people in our district who have employer sponsored health insurance could lose important consumer protections – like the prohibition on annual and lifetime limits and the prohibition on coverage exclusions for preexisting health conditions – if the ACA is repealed. Republican proposals to tax employer-based health coverage could destabilize employer-based coverage and impose the largest middle class tax increase in history on individuals who have health insurance through their employers.
“This report shows how the Republicans’ efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act would negatively impact hardworking constituents,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “Today, the residents of district 30 have better health coverage and care thanks to the Affordable Care Act, and Republicans should not jeopardize these significant gains by repealing the law.”
The district report was compiled and included in a larger staff report issued today by Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Congresswoman Johnson Calls For Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump's Russian Ties

 “It is not enough for Attorney General Sessions to recuse himself for an independent investigation into President Trump’s Russian ties. If it is proven that he was not truthful under oath then he cannot represent the American people because he has lost our confidence in his ability to review any question brought before him. In a written questionnaire by the Senator Leahy, a Judiciary Committee Democrat, asked ‘had [Sessions] been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day.’ Sessions replied, ‘no.’ Of all the people in the Cabinet you expect to be above any question of honesty is the Attorney General. If the allegations are proven to be truthful, it does not matter if the president stands by Attorney General Sessions, the American people should not.  As a symbol of law enforcement above reproach, we need an Attorney General that exemplifies as such.

“This is all the more reason why we need to commission an independent, non-partisan entity to investigate the seriousness of these allegations with president’s political, personal and financial connections with Russia.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Responds To Trump Address To Congress

On Immigration:
“A border wall will not achieve the goal that President Trump seeks to accomplish, and I disagree with its premise to keep all immigrants out of our country. Furthermore, building a 2,000-mile-long wall along our southern border is not only a knee-jerk reaction to our issues with immigration, it is fiscally irresponsible. Refusing entry to people who seek safety from danger and violence is anti-American and unconscionable. Comprehensive immigration reform, not constructing yet another barrier, is the best solution to resolve this issue.”
On the Affordable Care Act:
“Tonight President Trump once again called on Republicans in Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act, while providing no real plans for a replacement. Thus far, the Trump administration has only released an executive order that was without substance regarding healthcare, and a proposed rule that is nothing more than a delay tactic for their repeal and replace process.
“Over the past six years, nearly 30 million Americans have gained reliable coverage and seen an end to many of the unfair practices of the pre-Affordable Care Act insurance industry, including the end of lifetime limits, no discrimination for pre-existing conditions and free preventive care.  The Affordable Care Act did not just provide health insurance for millions of Americans, it reformed payment systems, introduced innovative care delivery reforms, and much more. To suggest that the system is ‘collapsing’ is off base.
“My hope is that we will find a way to work with Republicans in a bipartisan manner to come up with real policy solutions to repair the Affordable Care Act and continue to provide healthcare for all Americans. However, we will not idly stand by and allow Republicans to dismantle the health and economic security of hard-working Americans.”
On Transportation:
“During his campaign, President Trump touted his intentions to introduce a $1 trillion plan that would invest in our nation’s infrastructure. Five weeks into his presidency, we have yet to see a concrete plan to that end. This suggests that any tax plan to emerge from this administration would most likely rely heavily on tax credits for private entities, versus the federal direct spending that is so desperately needed. This approach is entirely off-mark.
“Nearly one in four bridges in the United States is structurally deficient or functionally obsolete, 65 percent of our nation’s roads are in less than good condition, our rail and bus transit systems are facing a $90 billion backlog, and dozens of our busiest ports are congested beyond reason. This is simply unacceptable. Our nation needs a real, comprehensive transportation infrastructure plan that combines direct federal spending with public private partnerships; not tax breaks for private investors for projects that would already be constructed anyways.”
SOURCE: Dallas Voice

Congresswoman Johnson Warns About Consequences Of Carbon Emissions

In 2014 alone, the U.S. released nearly 7 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The Social Cost of Carbon is an estimate of the economic damages caused from the release of a single metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
Put simply, the Social Cost of Carbon attempts to quantify the economic consequences of our fossil fuel related actions. And let me be clear, our actions do have consequences. Just as our health is impacted by what we put into our bodies, the planet is affected by the chemicals we release into the environment. Denying this reality does not erase the fact that this is true. These acts come with financial costs and social consequences to our environment, to public health and to our economy.
Unfortunately, the Majority too often denies these truths and continues to say, no, to basic facts. 
They say, no, human-influenced climate change is not occurring; despite the enormity of the scientific evidence.
They appear to have no concerns about the impact on public health of the release of toxic chemicals into the environment by oil, gas and mining industries.
And some of them believe the federal government should have virtually no role in helping to inform the public of these dangers, or, to help protect them by holding industry accountable for their actions.
Americans understand, that “no” is not the answer. No does not erase the mountains of scientific evidence that point to climate change.  No does not diminish the ethical and legal responsibility of private industry to not poison the public by producing and releasing toxic chemicals into our neighborhoods, communities or the atmosphere, or, simply denying the reality of their actions and the resulting impact on our climate.
We have an obligation to be honest and open about what the scientific evidence says about the reality and real dangers of climate change.
Yes, the climate is changing.
Yes, humans are contributing to this change.
Yes, we want a strong Environmental Protection Agency that protects human health and the environment.
Yes, we want to work together to find solutions to the global threat of climate change.
Yes, we want an Administration that listens to the scientific evidence, and does not hide the truth about the consequences of pollution or climate change from its citizens.
No is not the answer. Denial and misdirection will not lead to solutions. We should work together to address and mitigate the economic consequences and social costs of our new climate reality.

Congresswoman Johnson Rejects Trump's Budget As Reckless

“Though the details on the President’s proposed budget are few and far between, one thing that we know is that non-defense discretionary spending will be slashed. Non-defense discretionary spending includes the bulk of our R&D, education, and innovation programs. It is the spending that helps protect our air and water, funds our basic research, allows us to explore the universe, advances our knowledge of our changing climate, and moves us forward on developing clean energy technologies.
“I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it -- research and education lead to innovation, innovation leads to economic development, good paying jobs, and the revenue to pay for more research. The only responsible course of action for our nation is to invest in our research agencies, not hamstring them with draconian cuts.”
“I will attend the address tonight, but I cannot imagine President will have anything to say that will convince me that this reckless budget blueprint should be taken seriously.”