Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Three Cheers To Congresswoman Johnson

To Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson —
We applaud Texas Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s strong leadership as the top Democrat the Committee on Science, Space and Technology. She constantly stands up for public health and speaks against dangerous attempts to undermine the EPA’s ability to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink and to address climate change.
Most recently, the committee’s climate-change-denying leadership tried to challenge the historic international agreement in Paris. Nearly 200 countries came together to tackle the climate crisis.
As Johnson stated during the hearing, we must not simply address problems as they occur but rather have a proper framework for proactive international action. She added that solving our critical environmental concerns can still give the private sector the space to invest, innovate and inspire.
Elizabeth Doyel, Austin, executive director of the Texas League of Conservation Voters

SOURCE: Dallas Morning News