Thursday, February 11, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Endorsed BY AFGE

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has received the endorsement of American Federation of Government Employees Local 2437 (AFL-CIO). In his endorsement, Local 2437 President Donald Burrell said, "As a Member of Congress, representing the 30th District of Texas, Representative Johnson has placed her faith in America's working men and women to lead our country to economic recovery and to our full potential as a nation. With my endorsement today, I affirm our faith in her - and pledge to work with her through the election and next term to restore fairness, security and shared prosperity."


"Representative Johnson has been a great friend to AFGE Local 2437 and VANTHCS (where she was once employed) its veterans and employees. She has supported AFGE in our efforts to improve working conditions, benefits and pay. She has steadfastly opposed the efforts of the Republicans to use Federal employees as a piggy bank to pay more privileges for the 1%. She has supported President Obama as he took America from the brink of a second Great Depression by pressing Congress to pass the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, which saved or created 3.6 million jobs. She has been a champion comprehensive health insurance reform, which set the nation on a path toward health security that had eluded our country for nearly a 100 years. Representative Johnson has earned the support of working people for re-election and we are happy to endorse her."

"As a dues paying union member, I am proud to have received the endorsement of American Federation of Government Employees Local 2437. I have always considered myself a part of the labor movement and I will continue to work hard to create and support legislation that stands up for working class Americans and to fight for protections like a safer workplace, unemployment insurance, child labor laws, and workers compensation ." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson