Thursday, February 25, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Hosts 21st Annual Interfaith Prayer Breakfast

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson hosted her 21st Annual Prayer Breakfast at the Music Hall in Fair Park. This year’s keynote address was given by the newly elected mayor of Houston, the Honorable Sylvester Turner. The 2016 theme of the prayer breakfast was “Victory in the Community: Winning Together as One.”
"Prayer has carried me during the years that I have served in Congress," said Congresswoman Johnson during her remarks to the gathering of faith leaders. "I want to thank each of you for your prayers, and for what you do each day to assist the people of our community. We must continue to use forums like this one to pool our efforts to continue to help all those in need in North Texas."
“I am mayor now, because people prayed for me,” Mayor Turner said during his keynote address. “We… are all Texans, regardless of our religious backgrounds. We must all come together to better serve our community, because together we win. We, as leaders in our communities, have to believe in our people. We have to not only pray for them but we must continue to fight for them. The changes and improvements we all seek for our communities can only come if we work together.”
The breakfast was attended by more than 150 leaders from the North Texas faith community. Clergy members from the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian communities gathered for the breakfast. The event served as a time for all the various leaders to offer prayers for the citizens of North Texas and discuss ways that the believers of different faiths could collaborate to better serve the citizens of their communities. 

Congresswoman Johnson Celebrates Detection Of Gravitational Waves

“The story of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory – or LIGO – is a story about the talent, creativity, and perseverance of U.S. scientists and engineers. It is a story about the 65-year commitment of the National Science Foundation to high-risk, basic research. And it is a story about what we stand to lose as a nation if we fail to maintain faith in our scientists, and in the scientific process exemplified by the National Science Foundation that is the envy of nations around the world." 
- Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Endorsed By Laborers' International Union

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has received the endorsement of Laborers' International Union - Southwest District Council. Laborers' International Union represents general laborers on pipeline work, new construction, maintenance, public employees, hazardous waste removal, environmental remediation, demolition, nuclear plants, refineries, industrial and commercial plants and more. In their endorsement, Southwest District Council's Assistant Business Manager Jeremy Hendricks thanked Congresswoman Johnson for her commitment to bettering the lives of working men and women in Texas."  

"I am proud to have received the endorsement of the Laborers' International Union - Southwest District Council. I will continue to fight for the highest workplace safety, health and training standards as well as the fair wages and benefits that allow Americans to build a better life." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Special Message From President Barack Obama

                                                    Paid for by Eddie Bernice Johnson For Congress - 3102 Maple Avenue, Suite 605, Dallas, TX 75201

Friday, February 19, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Addresses Senior Class Of W.W. Samuel High School

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson was the special guest speaker for the Class of 2016 at Dallas ISD’s W.W. Samuell High School. The special assembly was to focus on education and preparing for life after high school.
“Education is a lifelong process,” Congresswoman Johnson told the students of W.W. Samuell High School. “It's important that when you leave here, you are prepared for the next phase of your education, whether you choose to attend trade school or college. Remember this phrase 'deferred gratification.' That means you will often have to postpone what you want to do at a specific time in order to do what needs to be done to ensure that you receive a greater benefit in the future. Transcripts stay with you forever. There is no excuse for not achieving.”

Congresswoman Johnson spoke about her journey through school and what pushed her to seek public office and shared insight into what her job entails. She concluded her presentation by inviting students to stand with her and share their post-graduation plans with their classmates.
SOURCE: Focus Daily News

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Three Cheers To Congresswoman Johnson

To Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson —
We applaud Texas Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s strong leadership as the top Democrat the Committee on Science, Space and Technology. She constantly stands up for public health and speaks against dangerous attempts to undermine the EPA’s ability to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink and to address climate change.
Most recently, the committee’s climate-change-denying leadership tried to challenge the historic international agreement in Paris. Nearly 200 countries came together to tackle the climate crisis.
As Johnson stated during the hearing, we must not simply address problems as they occur but rather have a proper framework for proactive international action. She added that solving our critical environmental concerns can still give the private sector the space to invest, innovate and inspire.
Elizabeth Doyel, Austin, executive director of the Texas League of Conservation Voters

SOURCE: Dallas Morning News

Monday, February 15, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Receives 100% Score From Defenders Of Wildlife

Congresswoman Johnson has received a 100% score from Defenders of Wildlife for the 1st session of the 114th Congress. Defenders Of Wildlife's Conservation Report Card measures a Member of Congress leadership and voting record on issues including wildlife and habitat conservation, Endangered Species Act, National Parks, and Global Climate Change.

"I am very proud to have received a 100% score from Defenders of Wildlife. I have worked hard in Congress to author and support legislation that improves our environment and protects endangered species and their habitats. As Ranking Member of the House Committee On Science, Space & Technology, I am committed to fighting global climate change and to bring increased awareness to this critical issue that effects everyone." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Receives 100% Score From Pro Choice America

Congresswoman Johnson has received a 100% Score from NARAL Pro Choice America for the 1st session of the 114th Congress. NARAL considered several issues in their scoring process including a Member of Congress voting record in support of woman's right to choose, a woman's right to access to birth control, a woman's access to sex education, a woman's access to a healthy pregnancy. 

"I am proud to have received a 100% score from Pro Choice America. I will continue to support a woman's Constitutional right to access quality healthcare, birth control, and the right to choose." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Endorsed By United Association Of Plumbers & Pipefitters

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has received the endorsement of United Association, Union of Plumbers, Fitters, Welders, & Service Techs, Local 100. In their endorsement Local 100 Business Manager, Craig Berendzen said, "Congresswoman Johnson has stood with us on issues concerning safety, training, wages and benefits. She has always been there for us and we will be there for her in her re-election to United States Congress."    

"I am delighted to have received the endorsement of United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters, Local 100.  I believe that we must continue to fight for the highest workplace safety, health and training standards as well the fair wages and benefits that allow Americans to build a better life." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Endorsed BY AFGE

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has received the endorsement of American Federation of Government Employees Local 2437 (AFL-CIO). In his endorsement, Local 2437 President Donald Burrell said, "As a Member of Congress, representing the 30th District of Texas, Representative Johnson has placed her faith in America's working men and women to lead our country to economic recovery and to our full potential as a nation. With my endorsement today, I affirm our faith in her - and pledge to work with her through the election and next term to restore fairness, security and shared prosperity."


"Representative Johnson has been a great friend to AFGE Local 2437 and VANTHCS (where she was once employed) its veterans and employees. She has supported AFGE in our efforts to improve working conditions, benefits and pay. She has steadfastly opposed the efforts of the Republicans to use Federal employees as a piggy bank to pay more privileges for the 1%. She has supported President Obama as he took America from the brink of a second Great Depression by pressing Congress to pass the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, which saved or created 3.6 million jobs. She has been a champion comprehensive health insurance reform, which set the nation on a path toward health security that had eluded our country for nearly a 100 years. Representative Johnson has earned the support of working people for re-election and we are happy to endorse her."

"As a dues paying union member, I am proud to have received the endorsement of American Federation of Government Employees Local 2437. I have always considered myself a part of the labor movement and I will continue to work hard to create and support legislation that stands up for working class Americans and to fight for protections like a safer workplace, unemployment insurance, child labor laws, and workers compensation ." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Endorsed by Texas State Representative Eric Johnson

 "Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has dedicated her life to public service. She has served our community and our nation with tremendous grace. She has long served as a role model for me and I am proud to support her."  - Texas State Representative Eric Johnson


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Endorsed By Mexican American Democrats Of Texas, CAUSA Chapter

 Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has received the endorsement of Mexican American Democrats of Texas CAUSA. Mexican American Democrats of Texas is a statewide organization of Democrats founded in 1975 to promote the interests of Mexican Americans. In their endorsement Mexican American Democrats considered several issues including experience, domestic violence, drugs, immigration reform, women's rights, LGBT rights, and income disparity.

"I am proud to have received the endorsement of Mexican American Democrats of Texas - CAUSA Chapter. Throughout my career in public service I have worked to create and support legislation that protects the rights of all Americans. I will continue to fight to build a society that values diversity and embraces our common values." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Monday, February 8, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Endorsed By Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1338

 Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has received the endorsement of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1338 (AFL-CIO). In their endorsement, Local 1338 President Kenneth Day said, " I am proud to say that ATU Local 1338 is glad to support The Honorable Eddie Bernice Johnson in her re-election for U.S. Congress. Congresswoman Johnson stood with transit workers and riders during consideration of the surface transportation bill. The Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act includes critical safety provisions that will save the lives of public transportation workers and passengers, addresses the bus crisis, and initiates some important workforce development programs and the much support she has given to DART's Employees. We are extremely grateful to Congresswoman Johnson for prioritizing our issues."

"I am proud to have received the endorsement of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1338 whose members are the bus drivers, rail operators, mechanics, station attendants, and other support personnel who make safe and efficient public transportation possible. As Senior Ranking Texan on the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure, I have worked hard author and sponsor legislation that will create a world class transportation system for Dallas, Texas and the Nation. I will continue to stand up for the fair treatment of transit industry workers, their health and safety and their right to a decent living." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Endorsed By Progressive Voters League

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has received the endorsement of Progressive Voters League. Progressive Voters League is one of the oldest political organizations for African Americans in Texas.

"I am honored to receive the endorsement of Progressive Voters League. I will continue to fight for our shared Democratic values and the people of the 30th Congressional District." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Friday, February 5, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Endorsed By Dallas County Treasurer Pauline Medrano

“Transportation, Infrastructure, Veteran’s Affairs, Science & Technology are vital to all of us and so is Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and her seniority in Washington.” – Pauline Medrano, Dallas County Treasurer 

Congresswoman Johnson Introduces FAA Research and Development Legislation

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has introduced H.R. 4464, the Federal Aviation Research and Development Reauthorization Act of 2016. The bill aims to ensure that federal research and development in support of civil aviation remains at the forefront of addressing challenges confronting the Nation’s air transportation system. The Science, Space, and Technology Committee has jurisdiction over the R&D portions of the larger FAA Reauthorization legislation currently being considered by the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. 
Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson said, “As Ranking Member of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee and a senior Member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I am pleased to introduce this bill that would reauthorize a healthy R&D agenda at FAA. R&D is central to maintaining and improving the nation’s aviation system so that it can respond to changing and expanding transportation needs.  And, it is an essential component of FAA’s ability to provide solutions to emerging aviation industry challenges such as concerns about unmanned aircraft systems, cybersecurity threats, and the need to reduce fuel consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions. My bill authorizes consistent funding to ensure that FAA’s R&D programs continue to push our aviation industry forward, contribute to the safety and security of the flying public, and contribute to the future of the American economy.”

Congresswoman Johnson Celebrates Black History Month

“Today, our nation begins a month-long celebration of Black History Month. During this month, we take the time to recognize and celebrate the countless contributions African-Americans have made throughout our nation’s history. From the first slave ships that brought Africans to these shores to the election of the first African-American President, Black history is interwoven into the very fabric of our nation’s story. The theme of Black History Month this year is ‘Hallowed Grounds: Sites of African American Memories,’ which encourages us to not just recognize those that made history, but to remember and preserve the places where significant events in Black History occurred.
This month, I will be focusing celebrating Black History during several events and through various initiatives in the 30th congressional district. I’ll be visiting several schools to speak to students. I’ll be speaking at Black History programs with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Greater Golden Gate Baptist Church, and several other events.

While we officially celebrate Black History Month during the month of February, we must continue to recognize the contributions that African-Americans have made throughout the year. After overcoming the horrors of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and mass incarceration, African-Americans have continued to be an integral piece to American puzzle. As a country, we continue to move forward and strive for equal opportunity and justice for all.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
SOURCE: Dallas Weekly

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Receives 100% Score From Environment America

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has received a 100% score from Environment America in the 113th Congress for her leadership and key support of legislation that protects the environment. Environment America considered several issues in their score including clean water, fracking, global warming, clean oceans,  and renewable power.

"I am proud to have received a 100% score from Environmental America for the 113th Congress. As Ranking Member of the House Committee On Science, Space & Technology I have worked hard to bring focus to the environmental challenges that effect us all. America must overcome difficult problems like global climate change, clean air, clean water, and renewable energy. I am committed to helping solve these  problems and leaving a healthy planet for future generations. " - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Endorsed By Texas State Representative Rafael Anchia

 “As a fellow elected official representing North Texas, it has been an honor to work with Congresswoman Johnson on matters of importance to our constituents.  

Her passion for and knowledge of critical issues such as transportation, climate change and voting rights is legendary and I hope to continue to have the opportunity to collaborate with her and improve the lives of all Texans.” – Texas State Representative Rafael Anchia

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Receives 100% Score Form Human Rights Campaign

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has received a 100% score from Human Rights Campaign for her support of LGBT issues in the 113th Congress. 

Congresswoman Johnson earned a 100% score from Human Rights Campaign based on her active support of key legislation including the Student Non-Discrimination Act, Respect of Marriage Act, Employment Non-Discrimination Act, the Nader Amendment to the FY 2015 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, and an LGBT inclusive reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act which represents the first time Congress has passed a non-discrimination law that protects LGBT Americans.

"I am proud to have once again received a 100% Score from Human Rights Campaign. I believe that every American deserves fair treatment under the law regardless of his or her gender, race, religion or sexual orientation and I will continue to advance pro-equality policies and legislation important to LGBT Americans." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Monday, February 1, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Receives An 'A' From National Education Association

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has received an 'A' score from National Education Association in the first half of the 114th Congress for her leadership and key support of legislation that supports public education and educators. An 'A' score from National Education Association measures a Member of Congress' voting record, behind the scenes work, committee votes, accessibility, and education advocacy.

"I am honored to have once again received an 'A'  score from National Education Association. As Ranking Member of the House Committee On Science, Space & Technology I have worked diligently to expand opportunities for students and educators. It is important that young people are exposed to the resources and role models, so that we continue to cultivate the young minds that will soon lead our nation. " -Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson