Friday, September 12, 2014

Congresswoman Johnson Marks 20th Anniversary Of Violence Against Women Act

September 13, marks the 20th anniversary of President Bill Clinton signing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) into law. The landmark legislation created critical protections for victims of domestic violence and dramatically strengthened our nation's criminal justice response to violence against women. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson released the following statement recognize the 20th anniversary of this historic legislation:
"As a member of the United States Congress, and more importantly as a woman, it is crucial to remember the positive ramifications of VAWA. Domestic and sexual violence are forms of abuse that have plagued communities both foreign and domestic. Women who fall victim to domestic and sexual violence should not feel ashamed of their situation.
By standing strong in support of Women's Rights, VAWA empowers victims by providing a voice for issues that have historically laid silent." said Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson.  "We must continue to strengthen our response to these crimes and deepen our commitment to all survivors."
House Democrats are committed to continuing to strengthen domestic violence programs.  As part of the Middle Class Jumpstart, House Democrats will strengthen VAWA and make increased investments in shelters and other life-saving domestic violence services.
VAWA has been critical landmark legislation.  According to a statement issued by the White House, between 1993-2010 the rate of intimate partner violence has declined by 67%, in addition to increased reporting of domestic and sexual violence to the police since its passing.  VAWA has instituted stricter sentencing guidelines for repeat federal sex crime offenders and provides resources to tribal, local, and state law enforcement communities to address violent crimes against women.  In addition, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, which responds to more than 22,000 urgent calls for help every month, was also created under this legislation. Overall these measures in addition to countless others will contribute to protecting the rights of women across the country for years to come." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson