Thursday, September 11, 2014

Congresswoman Johnson Honors Those Lost On 9/11

“ It has been 13 years since the terrorist attacks of extremist organization, Al-Qaeda, plagued our great nation. From that day forward, our nation would be forever changed. Each year on 9/11, we mourn the more than 3,000 lives lost in New York, Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon. Yet, amidst our sadness we remain strong. Despite the numerous attempts to shake our resolve, we remain resilient.

9/11 will always be remembered as the most heinous act of terrorism committed against the United States. During the aftermath Americans banded together by volunteering and assisting heroically in rescue attempts.  I am thankful for the sense of unity created amongst Americans. Whether affected directly or indirectly, we all mourned and offered support to survivors, forgetting even if for a moment our racial, gender, and socioeconomic differences, instead highlighting the humanity of the American people more than ever before.

Leaders across the country acted swiftly. They shared resources and Congress, through unprecedented legislative resolve, collaborated across party lines to develop bipartisan measures, some of which resulted in the death of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and ended large scale troop presence in both Iraq and Afghanistan. These measures contributed to the protection and safety of our nation.

As a Member of Congress, and more importantly as a U.S. citizen, it is my duty to remember and celebrate the memories of the lives lost on 9/11. Though, they are no longer with us, their legacy will continue now and in the future.  God Bless America.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson