Saturday, March 8, 2014

Congresswoman Johnson Celebrates Women's History Month

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice joined millions of Americans in marking the annual celebration of March as Women’s History Month – a commemoration that has occurred in America since 1987.  This year’s theme is Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment.  

“During Women’s History Month, we celebrate the enormous progress that has been made for American women.  This year’s theme, Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment, speaks to the persevering women trailblazers throughout our country’s history who struggled, suffered, and prevailed on behalf of the advancement of women,” Congresswoman Johnson said. “In the last several years, there have also been new gains for women.  For example, there are now a record number of women serving in Congress – with 20 women now serving in the Senate and 82 women in the House of Representatives.”

“Much progress has been made for the women of America, but much more remains to be done,” Congresswoman Johnson points out. “When the average woman still only makes 77 cents for every dollar a man makes and the poverty rate among women is the highest its been in two decades, there is definitely more work to be done.”

“American women have made great strides over the last 100 years – but the fight for equal opportunity is far from over,” Congresswoman Johnson said.  “There is more work to do in Texas and throughout the country to provide women with the economic security and opportunities they deserve and their families need.”  - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson