Thursday, March 27, 2014

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson Stands with House Democrats to Demand a Vote on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson joined dozens of her colleagues in the House of Representatives to sign a “Demand a Vote” petition. The petition would force a vote on H.R. 15, the bipartisan Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act. This legislation will help secure our border, protect our workers, unite our families, provide an earned pathway to citizenship, and create jobs.

“We must bring the issue of immigration reform before the House of Representatives for a vote,” said Congresswoman Johnson.  “It is time for Speaker Boehner to stop blocking this sensible bipartisan reform, and allow a vote to create jobs, empower our small businesses, fuel innovation, reduce the deficit and energize the economy.  Now is the time for us to fix our broken immigration system, and build a system that respects our history and our values as a nation.”

It has been nearly nine months since the Senate passed its own comprehensive immigration reform legislation by an overwhelming bipartisan margin of 68-32.  Comprehensive immigration reform has enjoyed widespread support from law enforcement, faith leaders, the business community and the American people. 

A report from the Congressional Budget Office released on Tuesday found that the House legislation, H.R. 15 would reduce the deficit by $900 billion over the next two decades – including $200 billion in the first decade alone.  The bill has 200 co-sponsors, including 3 Republicans.  Yet Republican leadership continues to prevent the House from holding a vote on this necessary and popular legislation.