Monday, October 7, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Marks The 12th Anniversary Of The War In Afghanistan

“Today marks the 12th anniversary of the beginning of the war in Afghanistan.  This is now the longest war in American history, and has cost our country billions of dollars and thousands of lives.  The brave men and women of our armed forces have borne a very heavy burden during this lengthy conflict. President Obama has vowed to bring an end to this war and has begun the drawdown our troops in Afghanistan. 

“As this war winds down, we must be ready to assist with the transition of the thousands of new veterans that are returning home.   Many veterans come home with severe disabilities that make it challenging for them to integrate into civilian life.  These heroes deserve the best care available, and in order to ensure they receive that care I recently signed on as an original cosponsor of the Veterans’ Independent Living Enhancement Act.  This bill will remove the cap on the number of veterans eligible to participate in the Independent Living Program which provides services to veterans to maximize their independence.  We must continue to care for the men and women that have paid the heaviest price to keep our country safe.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson