Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Urges Congress To Pass Comprehensive Gun Control Legislation

Congresswoman Johnson  recently gave a speech on  floor of the House of Representatives to stand up against gun violence and encourage Congress to act on background check legislation. The fight for sensible gun laws is not over, but instead just beginning. 

"It has been more than twenty weeks since the tragic shooting at the Sandy Hook school.  Yet, Congress has still been unable to pass comprehensive legislation to curb gun violence in this country. While an overwhelming majority ofAmericans support expanding background checks, Senate Republicans last month blocked an important measure that would have expanded background checks to many types of private firearm sales.

 Every day that Republicans in Congress choose to block critical measures to reduce gun violence, more innocent lives will be lost or severely impacted by senseless violence at the hands of criminalswith deadly firearms.

We owe it to the American people to respond immediately to this violence. I strongly urge my Republican colleagues to end their blockade on the timely passage of comprehensive gun control legislation." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson