Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Urges Texas Governor Rick Perry to Participate in Medicaid Expansion

“I am very disappointed by Governor Rick Perry’s statement today that he will continue to reject Medicaid expansion in Texas. In refusing additional Medicaid funding, Gov. Perry is denying millions of Texans access to life-saving health insurance, a decision that would save taxpayers, hospitals, and local governments millions of dollars in costs spent caring for the uninsured. Medicaid expansion is particularly urgent for Texas, which is ranked first in the number of uninsured residents in the country.

Medicaid expansion is expected to increase Texas’ economic output by $67.9 billion in the first four years, improve the public’s health by increasing access to preventive care, and, most importantly, save the lives of 8,400 Texans every single year. By opting out of the Medicaid expansion, Gov. Perry is forcing local governments and taxpayers to pay for his political opposition to the Affordable Care Act. I urge the Governor to stop playing petty politics, and make the economically sound decision to expand Medicaid. I remain open to working with the Governor, the Administration, and the Texas delegation in Congress to support a Medicaid expansion that will benefit all Texans.”