Friday, April 12, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Hosts 5th Annual Bosnian Women's Day

Congresswoman Johnson hosted her 5th Annual Bosnian Women’s Day in conjunction with the Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“I have had the privilege of traveling to Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Bosnian War, and I realized that with women involved, peace could be achieved,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “I know what it takes to bring change, and the road is long and arduous, but you must continue to move forward.”

The keynote speaker was the Ambassador of Bosnian and Herzegovina to the United States Jadranka Negodic. Ambassador Negodic spoke of her challenges of ensuring women have a seat at the table during peace negotiations.

Ambassador Negodic noted, “We must encourage women’s ambitions and help them advance to the next stage.  Young Bosnian women must be the change they want to see. You are the best advocates for your country.”

Diana Sehic, President of Rights for All, a non-governmental organization based in Sarajevo, Bosnia, spoke on her efforts to encourage women to pursue political office.

“Bosnia and Herzegovina has seen improvement, but we still need support from the international community,” said Ms. Sehic.

The Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the interests of Bosnian Americans and works to improve relations between the United States and Bosnia and Herzegovina.