Sunday, August 19, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Delivers Remarks At The Best Southwest Partnership's Legislative Breakfast

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson recently spoke at the Best Southwest Partnership’s Annual TGIF Legislative Breakfast Series at the Methodist Charlton Medical Center.  The Legislative Breakfast Series provides an opportunity for constituents and interested parties to connect directly with their elected officials on the local, state, and national level.

“As most of you know, Congressional Members spend most of August in their districts. My time away from Washington allows me the chance to be here with you today,” said Congresswoman Johnson.
Congresswoman Johnson spoke about recent legislative activity on Capitol Hill.“I believe that the most significant legislative accomplishment in this Congress was the passage of the transportation bill. Investing in North Texas’ infrastructure brings with it both long and short-term gain. By building out our infrastructure we not only create thousands of good paying jobs, but we provide a platform to invest in our economic future. I am pleased to share that due to the passing of the transportation bill, Texas will receive more than $3 billion in highway formula funds.”

Congresswoman Johnson also discussed several additional programs and legislation that she has introduced in the areas of health care, manufacturing, and economic development in South Dallas/Dallas County.

The Best Southwest Partnership is 26 years old consisting of core cities and chambers of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Duncanville, Lancaster, among others.