Monday, July 30, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Joins Democratic Leadership In Pushing GOP Leaders On Looming Sequester Cuts

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson joined other Senior Democrats in pushing GOP leaders to replace the looming sequester cuts with a bipartisan bargain on deficit reduction.

In a letter sent to Speaker Boehner and all the GOP committee heads, Congresswoman Johnson and her fellow lawmakers urged the Republicans to start 'immediate negotiations' on 'a balanced deficit reduction plan' that would prevent automatic sequester cuts from taking effect next year.

The letter read, "We all agree that a sequester starting in January 2013 is not in the country's best interest and is not the best way to assure responsible deficit reduction, the American people want us to work together to avoid unnecessary economic uncertainty at this crucial time in our recovery..... Failure to reach an agreement would have devastating consequences for our economy, small business and the middle class."